Place an order

Ordering from Sportimex is quick and easy. Our ordering process consists of 4 clear steps.

Step 1: Place the desired item in the shopping basket

Go to the item you want to order and select the desired quantity if necessary. Then click on the 'Add to cart' button. You will now be automatically redirected to the shopping cart. Here you can choose to continue shopping and add more products to the shopping cart or complete the order by clicking on the 'Complete order' button.

Step 2: Completing delivery details

In order to process your order, we ask you to fill in some personal details. If you already have an account, you can log in at the top of the site so that you do not have to enter your details again.

Step 3: Choose payment method

You can choose how you want to pay.

Step 4: Complete order

Now click on 'Complete order' to finish the order. After this you will be automatically redirected to a page with the order confirmation. You will also receive this order confirmation by e-mail.